Pleasure is part of our lifeforce, our generative, creative potential. It is our connection to our body, the earth body, to eros. Pleasure is necessary to your wellbeing. An expanding pleasure session is your time for your body to receive what it is wanting and desiring. This is a space to get to know your body, what it wants and its capacity for pleasure. There are clear boundaries set, your no and full yes are needed and necessary and welcomed. This is one way touch. You are simply receiving. There are no expectations, nothing to do, no one to please, nothing performative, just touch how and where you want it. This is a safe space to find your voice and choice. Every time you voice a want, a yes, or a no, you are thanked for speaking that desire, for guiding the touch. There is no enduring or allowing, it is a time of following your body and how it wants or needs to be touched. It is a safe space to drop into fully receiving. Are there spaces in your body, your vagina, or your clitoris or vulva that feel numb, uncomfortable or painful? We can also work with genital dearmouring to shift to pleasure. Let’s get on a call to talk if you’d like to explore this work in a safe and ritual container.
There is a 3 session commitment for this work.
Cost $200 an hour
Most sessions are 2-3 hours
Sliding scale available based on need and means. If these prices are prohibitive, reach out.