I’m Leigh McDaniel, a well womb witch and ritualist.
I offer Radical Well Womb Care and Root Tending.
I am a Professional Women’s Pelvic Care Bodyworker as taught by Martin Beaudoin, a certified Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner through training with Tami Lynn Kent, and trained in The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring with Rahi Chun. This work is hands-on, collaborative and based on consent. We explore fascia, scars, stored trauma, move lymph, work on the abdomen and viscera, and intra-vaginally.
This work is supportive for prolapse, vaginismus, incontinence, fertility, PCOS, vulvodynia, tilted uterus, painful sex, sexual boundary ruptures, postpartum care and much more.
It is also offered as a pathway to deepen into your own knowing and healing capabilities, to bless and love your body and recognize your pelvic bowl as portal, oracle and a magical center of creativity and power.
I’m here to tend to your root, to your womb space and/or pelvic bowl, to hold and support you as you settle comfortably into all of you. As I deepened into my own healing it got really clear that I needed to heal my root. I couldn’t connect, receive, love fully, be safe in my own body, honestly hold my power and possibility, without tending to the sexual trauma, everyday trespasses, and physical issues from birthing my beautiful babies. I needed to remember how to trust my knowing and step into fully offering my gifts. And I’m still in that journey, one that I suspect may last lifetimes. I couldn’t get there without doing energetic, spiritual, emotional and physical work with my womb, viscera, and in my vagina. I had to start at the space of creation, and in a sense, recreate myself to open to new stories, allowing the old, painful and familiar stories to become less present and controlling, so I could continue the work of growing into all of me. We can work together to create the spaciousness to tap into your own knowing and the physical support to repair pelvic challenges, so you can find your way into, or deepen, your own healing journey.
I’ve learned with many teachers, some a single online or in-person class or full day workshop, some longer online courses, in-person intensives, others years long in-person work, and all have had an impact on how I work, what I share, and the medicine I am now so honored to be carrying with deep reverence for all those who came before, and their lineages, who carry and share wisdom around radical care for bodies with internal anatomy.
We can change the world by how we care for ourselves, touch others and interact with the living world. We create change within ourselves by tapping into the power, creativity and vitality inherent in our womb space, by tapping into purpose. Life is relational. Life and love, doing and being, become a means of activism and transformation… one of a myriad of pathways to begin living into our radical responsibility. When we choose consciously, vision imaginatively, and willingly lean into the darkness, courage, and truth necessary to our own healing journey we can make the ordinary, extraordinary. We can create the life we want to be living. This is Ordinary Magic. xxoo