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Tending the Root Journey

Tending the Root:

A 3-Month Journey of Womb Reconnection and Alchemy

Dearest Wild and Worthy One,

Welcome to Tending the Root, a 3-Month Journey of Womb Reconnection and Alchemy.

How does your root feel, can you breathe into your womb and notice what is there? 

Do you feel connected to life, to your knowing, your creativity, and magic? 

The womb can be a space of held trauma and wounding, trespasses large and small, and simultaneously creativity, power and self-ownership, the creation of the universe, growing and birthing humans – we are magical portals of creation. We can tap into our knowing, our joy, and vitality, by connecting to our root. 

When you’ve experienced a sexual boundary trespass or childhood trauma it can be hard to connect to your body and womb. If you are experiencing physical pain or discomfort you may feel a disconnect from your womb. It can make it difficult to access your voice, your full heart yes, your sacred no, and your radical femme power. 

This journey is offered as a pathway to remembering and reconnecting to all of you. Everything that has happened to you can land in your womb. So much can take up space there, misogyny, shame, sexual boundary trespass, physical challenges, and all of it can take away from your sense of feeling safe and grounded. The womb is the center of trust in our inner knowing, and when it is carrying trauma, our power, courage, and ability to speak our truth is compromised. We lose access to our embodied sensuality, our juiciness, and our magic. This is not unusual, but it is not who you truly are, your root needs tending. This is your time of reconnection and alchemy to turn your lived experience into gold.

Photo by Thomas Holm

Is it time to tend to your root, to come home to all of you through the portal of your womb and all her magic? You deserve to be in your power, creativity, safety, and pleasure. You are magnificent and magical, worthy of knowing your needs and desires, and having them met. These 3 months together allow the space to truly commit to and create real and lasting shifts. It is not a quick fix, but it is rich and revelatory. This is your time to move from feelings of disconnect, and all that engenders, to your full spectrum feeling, enlivened, powerful, and sensual self. 


“The root of the female body is the physical ground where a woman can begin to
understand her own relationship with the wild feminine.” 

Tami Lynn Kent

To know your desires and to connect to the fullness of your experiences is the gold of who you are. Everything that has happened to you, everything you’ve done or lived, everything that has landed in your womb and in your body, your lived experience, “good” or “bad”, conspires to make you the complex, rich, expansive, and empathetic human that you are. Together we will alchemize the pain, the hurt, the numbness, into the rich understory of your possibility and pleasure. 

This journey is for you if you’ve struggled with…

Disconnect from your pelvic bowl or womb 

Discerning your body’s true yes or no 

Finding your voice and speaking your truth 

Accessing, admitting to or asking for what you need, want, or desire 

Feeling fully in your body / getting out of your head 

A physical challenge like pain with sex, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, fertility issues, miscarriage, abortion, ovarian cysts or fibroids, endometriosis, scar tissue, issues with a c-section, vulvodynia, inability to orgasm, PMS, diminished sensation and so on… 

Connecting to your changing body during your postpartum, perimenopausal or menopausal time of life 

Inability to feel safe in your body 

Body image 

Sexual boundary ruptures 

Trauma that has landed in your pelvic bowl and/or body and inhibits connection

This journey can change you by…

Reconnecting to your womb, and with that, to your desires, confidence, power, inner knowing, creativity, sovereignty and divinity 

Completely resolving or improving physical challenges in your pelvic bowl 

Clarifying your full health “yes” and your sacred “no” 

Becoming empowered to find and use your voice and choice. 

Feeling yourself fully in your body and safe 

Clarifying what is yours and what is the other persons 

Being able to feel, and move through emotions, without shutting down 

Knowing yourself as a full spectrum human 

Expanding your pleasure and arousal pathways 

Opening further to joy and possibility 

Committing to a lifelong journey of womb connection, reverence, and healing 

The root; the genesis of creation, transformation and birth. The internal cauldron. 

This 3-month journey includes: 

  • 2 in-person hour and a half sessions with me each month
  • A monthly email with offerings around what we are currently working on to support you in fully receiving what you need from your journey; there might be recipes to nourish your body, exercises, rituals, concepts to reflect on, poetry, songs….. 
  • Direct support via text Monday through Thursday, 9am to 4pm, for check ins, questions, or anything that is coming up for you, and two scheduled 20 minute calls if desired 
  • Custom womb steam blend and instructions for womb steaming 
  • A ritual created especially for you
  • Exercises, specifically for your body, to practice at home 
  • An at-home pelvic mapping / dearmourning practice 
  • A monthly recorded guided meditation made for you and what you’re working with 

Tending the Root: A 3-Month Journey
of Womb Reconnection and Alchemy

Month 1 – Coming Home 

When you arrive for your first session, we’ll begin by settling into the space and setting up a ritual container for our work together. All of you will be welcomed in, the beautiful, the painful, the shameful, the fixer parts of you, all that you might be holding or moving through. We’ll talk about what is coming up for you in the moment and what is calling out to be tended to. We might breathe, sigh, throw out what isn’t desired and call in what is. Your voice, your sacred no, your full heart yes is welcomed in. We may work with a few exercises to find and access your voice and choice. We’ll talk about the nervous system and ways to recognize what you want. We’ll do a pleasure anatomy deep dive so you can find clarity around the process of arousal and how to bring it alive. With your consent and your full yes, I’ll begin touch on your body by releasing the psoas and working on your belly, viscera, and your womb, ovaries and bladder externally. If it is a yes, we will move to your vulva and then vagina. With slow and gentle touch I will begin to feel into what is present; numbness, pain, discomfort, pleasure, and let you know what I sense. Throughout we will remain in dialogue, and I’ll follow your knowing around what your body wants and what is available to you moment to moment. We will assess any physical issues as well and how we want to work with them. We may pivot and work with energy, or other modalities, if that is what is needed or desired, we will follow the lead of your body. This will be the work of our first two sessions and our first month together. 

  • Setting a ritual container 
  • A welcoming of all of you, all of your parts 
  • Finding safety in the body 
  • Voice and choice work 
  • Work with trauma that has landed in the body and womb space 
  • Pleasure anatomy 
  • Guided work to feel into proprioception 
  • Hands on work to feel into enteroception intravaginally if that feels available 
  • Intravaginal work to begin to feel what is physically in the womb space and connect to what is there 
  • Assess any physical issues and create a plan for healing 

Month 2 – The Womb as Root 

Our second month together we will continue hands on and hands in work to release spaces of tension and holding and make space for real physical, emotional and spiritual shifts. I’ll offer gentle guidance around what you are feeling coming up in your body, to see how it wants to be worked with, released, held, or moved through, or if it needs leaning into. We will also spend more time focusing on and getting clear around felt sensation in the body and what it means, is it a yes, a no, a maybe… is it anxiety, fear, anger, or longing? We’ll push into felt sense in the body and on the skin and all that it brings up. We will work with the ancestors in ways that feel accessible and real to you, that make sense in your life, so that it can be a part of what you do outside of our container. We will also spend more time with the energy of the womb space and what is being held there, working with active imagination, guided meditation, and whatever else may feel relevant in the moment to establish or deepen your connection to your womb and all the expansive and magic there. 

  • Hands on work to release tension and make space for real physical, emotional and spiritual shifts 
  • Gentle guidance into what is being noticed or felt in the body 
  • Reflection on what is coming up for you 
  • Noticing your felt yes and no 
  • Letting you know what I see / feel 
  • Work with ancestors and guides 
  • Work to create spaciousness with what is getting in the way of connection with the body and the womb space 
  • Guided visualization and imaging 
  • Continued work to resolve any physical issues 

Month 3 – Landing in your Knowing 

Our third month together we will be acknowledging what has shifted, where connection has deepened, what you are now aware of in your body and how you are noticing and voicing your needs and desires. We will celebrate you and all the gold you’ve unearthed, your capacity to intuit, and to feel, and welcome it all in. We’ll go deeper together finding any layers that still want to be alchemized. We will also continue our work with the ancestors and your descendants. We will continue to sink into womb connection and your knowing, and where you want to build more expansiveness and communication with your body and inner selves. We will use everyday magic to tune into your body, your womb, through felt sense and inner knowing, finding ways to build your capacity to surrender into your truth, so you can trust and lean into your own power, juiciness and magic. We will also delve further into any practices and work around physical issues so that you’ll feel full resolution by the end of our time together or explore ways to continue to build on what we’ve done together. If it is yes, we will also explore expanding pleasure, and a ritual and instruction for self-guided work. Lastly, there will be a ceremonial closing of our container. 

  • Noticing what has shifted and deepening into those shifts and further delving into deeper layers that are ready to be worked with 
  • Work with the ancestors for both their healing and yours and for future generations 
  • Deepen into womb/body connection 
  • Expanding pleasure 
  • Land in your creativity, power, sovereignty and sacredness 
  • Reassess any remaining physical issues and determine a future plan for continued self-guided work or work together 
  • Accessing your magic 
  • Welcoming all that has shown up in our journey together 
  • Celebrating you as a full spectrum human 
  • Create ritual for your self-guided work
  • Ritual closing of our sacred container 

Investment : $1400

“We tend to think of the erotic as an easy tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves towards living in a fundamental way.” 

Audre Lord 

Come home to your juicy, connected, intuitive, powerful, sensual, beautiful self….

This journey is offered as support to deepen into your own healing capabilities, knowing and power – the cauldron of the womb reignited by deepening into your fullest version of self – allowing physical touch, energy, intention, and blessings to shift how you hold and own your power. Your root is your physical, energetic and spiritual foundation, it holds connection to the earth, to the radical femme, to what you’ve claimed or are holding – through connecting to your root, to your womb, viscera, vulva and vagina, you can more easily connect to yourself as a magical creator, your pussy as oracle, and your ability to live and love from a space of nourished strength. 

We may work with some or all of these modalities
throughout our journey together: 


Pelvic exercises 

Womb steaming 

Bodywork – including possible lymph or fascia massage 

Personal Geometry™

External womb work 

Intravaginal care 

Sensual massage 

Genital dearmouring 

Nutrition / supplements 

Energy work 

Ancestral connection 

Inner child work 

Guided meditation / active imagination 

Sound and breath 

Drum journey 


Song and devotion 


What Clients Say…

I came to Leigh in chronic pain with little answers from western doctors. In one visit Leigh intuitively located a pinched nerve in my pelvic floor. She released it and I walked out of her studio pain free for the first time in three years. Leigh is the real deal and I'm forever so grateful to have found her. I return regularly to calm my nervous system and to come back to my root chakra, my womb and my creativity and power.  

~ Heather, Comedian

Working with Leigh even just for one session thus far was truly transformative.  I have spent years with tightness in my hips and pelvis and could never connect it to anything.  Through Leigh's work not only were we able to loosen some of these very old stagnant energies but I was also able to experience a rebirth of my own one where there was safety and love surrounding me.  I could go on and on about the two hours I spent working with Leigh up under the oaks on the hillside but so much of it was so personal and precious that I will hold it close.  A truly special gift that Leigh created during her session was a feeling of being absolutely safe and cared for, which couldn't be more important with this type of work. 

~ Kate, Photographer

Womb work had been calling to me for quite a long time. I'm so grateful to have found Leigh. Her gentle and calm nature made me feel comfortable instantly in her presence. She is also very intuitive and commented on a few things from the present and the past that were spot on. After my first session with her I had the easiest bleed thus far. Hardly any cramping, breast tenderness or clotting. I also released so much emotionally. Womb work with Leigh will definitely be a part of my self care and healing practice.

~ Kendal, RN

“The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”

Emily Dickinson


Hello Beautiful!

I’m Leigh McDaniel, a well womb witch and ritualist.

I’d be honored to tend to your root, your womb, to all of you, and embark on this womb journey together! This work is radical and transformative, and should be normalized care for all bodies with vulvas/vaginas. 

I am a professional Women’s Pelvic Care Bodyworker as taught by Martin Beaudoin, a certified Holistic Pelvic Care practitioner through training with Tami Lynn Kent, and trained in The 3 Keys to Genital Dearmouring with Rahi Chun. I’ve also trained in Personal Geometry™, and numerous other modalities that we may use in our work together.

This work is hands on, collaborative, and based on consent. We explore fascia, scars, stored trauma, move lymph, work on the abdomen and viscera, and intravaginally. 

This work is supportive for prolapse, vaginismus, incontinence, fertility, PCOS, vulvodynia, tilted uterus, painful sex, sexual boundary ruptures, postpartum care and much more. 

It is offered as a pathway to deepen into your own knowing and healing capabilities, to bless and love your body, and recognize your pelvic bowl as portal, oracle and a magical center of creativity and power.

Come Home

This is your time of reconnection and alchemy, to turn your lived experience into gold.

Exploratory Call

Let’s talk and see if this journey is a full heart yes for you.

Photo: Andreas Bitesnich


How can this work change you? Who might you be when you have remembered your connection to your womb and the mystery within?

Photo: Substantia Jones

The Womb Can be accessed through intention, touch, sense, and presence. Working within the vagina, the gut, and with beautiful organs of femme creative power, is an honor and a gift. The womb space is lit by the magic of creation, the eros of the earth body, and all of you.